Saturday, May 5, 2012

Greetings Pearl !
I am concerned regarding the message given to the readers ... 
I think you are aware of this comment/post:

-except for the fact that the writer of that message thinks I am an anointed - thing I never said - , the message I bear is FROM Jehovah THROUGH an anointed one , and it is clear expressed in Zechariah 2:7 / Revelation 18:4 / Isaiah 43:8 - there is no confusion in God's word !

Now, the reason I post this "comment" is the fact you entitled this blog
Do we need to get out of God's house?
that means (i think for all readers not only for me) that "God's house" = "God's earthly organization" = WTO ....(is that right? ) and a few days ago I read in Obadiah's Blog the following words: "The organization is the Wild Beast! " (  two-thirds down the page )
I know, this light is from you - ( and for this reason I post this comment here and not on Obadiah's blog)

According to this , firstly (one year before) the " Organization" was "God's house" ...and now ... the "Organization" is "the Wild Beast" ! In other words, "God's house" = "the Wild beast" ... is that right , or I misunderstand something, or because of my lack of english I do not properly understand ? PLEASE do clarify this to/for the readers and for the sake of "truth" (not for me, because I have strong convictions) God's message is clear - it doesn't produce confusion!
Jehovah bless you, rus v.


Dear Rus,
I was not aware of this article by Perimeno. Thank you for sending me the link. I am usually fully busy with my own work, both on-line and in the “field”. I have now read this article, written by Perimeno. I am sad to say that reading it made me feel as sick as when I would attend the meeting on Sunday at the Kingdom Hall. Like the Wormwood in the Watchtower and talk outlines…there is reference here to scripture, but it is not according to Truth, nor will it save the lives of those who take it in.

I do realize that these are strong words, which must be backed up by the authority of the scriptures in order to be accepted. I hope, with the aid of Jehovah’s spirit, to be able now to do that. If it is his will, it will be done on His strength.

I remember Perimeno and have gratitude for his support when I first sensed that something was amiss in the Organization. He was the first anointed one I spoke to and my first on-line article was published at his site. He made clear at the time that he thought that "Witnesses" should be patient with the corruption they perceived, and wait on Jehovah to set matters straight. I thought of the example of David and Saul...both of them were anointed to be kings by Jehovah. David said that he could not "thrust out his hand against the anointed of Jehovah" (1Sam.26:11). And so I concluded that the anointed today should imitate David's patience as well.

But in time and in further study, I came to realize that the anointed since Christ are in a very different situation. They do not wait for "ruling" anointed to pass on before they begin their own calling. In fact, no anointed are to "rule" over their brothers (Mark10:42,43); either directly, or through elder-minions/locust-scorpions/Wild Beast. If other dominant anointed are unfaithful with the Truth, this does not excuse the complacency or lack of fruit from the others (Matt.25:25; 7:19). All anointed are expected to prove faithful and discreet with whatever talents, light, and truth Christ feeds them through spirit (Matt.5:16; John15:8). We are not Jewish kings in Israel. The New Covenant is NEW. We do not "thrust out our hand" against other anointed in hatred (1John3:15). However, if they leave the body of Christ and prove unfaithful to truth, we must battle with the lies they propagate (Eph.5:11; 2Cor.10:4,5) This is the opposite of the neutral inactivity that Perimeno avows. If Perimeno preaches to the GB or in his own Congregation, he knows the consequence. That is the pattern and command left by our exemplar.
 (John15:20; John16:2; 2Tim.3:12; Rom.6:5; 1Pet.2:21; Eph.4:25; Psalm26:4)

In prophecy, the book of Revelation tells us that the "kings of the earth" will be drawn into battle against one another (Rev.16:14). Each anointed one must either accept or reject Satan's enticing deceptions, and take sides with Christ or the father of the lie (Rev.16:13,16). There are the kings who align themselves with the Wild Beast (Rev.17:12) who kills Christ's prophets (Rev.11:7); and there are the kings of which Jesus is king (Rev.1:5,6; 19:14,16,19; 20:4). We are also told that Satan's angels will battle with Michael's angels (Rev.12:7). Angel means "messenger". There are messengers of Satan's lies (Rev.16:13; 17:14; 2Thess.2:9; John8:44), and messengers of Truth (Rev.11:3; 14:5; 15:2; John7:18).We are told how the Wild Beast and Harlot are enemies of the faithful two witnesses (Rev.17:6; 11:7), and that these conquer Satan in a spiritual war, by means of their witness to truth (Rev.12:10,11; 14:13).
These identities at enmity, are the same (Gen.3:15).  This is the essence of Armageddon....the final battle between Satan's seed, and the seed of God's Covenant Woman ( ).
This final battle to end the war over the dominion of physical creation, are anointed faithful ones, against the unfaithful.

There is no longer an option available as there was for King David. If an anointed one today does not battle for Truth right alongside Christ, he is unfruitful and unfaithful. The Kingdom of the Heavens is not given to those who try to remain neutral.
While I am thankful for Perimeno's past encouragement,
I must be loyal to Christ, and what I have been given. Loyalty to someone else is not an option.

The "two witnesses" are seen dressed in sackcloth (Rev.11:3). I know this means that before they started "bearing witness to Jesus", they were sinning in ignorance (Joel1:8,9). They must repent previous to their prophesying.
I too have repented of subjecting myself to men....unfaithful anointed who have become allies to the father of the lie, persecuting those loyal to truth (Rev.20:4; 6:9,10,11; 13:17,7; 9:10; 17:6).
Long ago these ones were depicted in prophecy, which we now see unfolding. Long ago the standards of faithfulness were decreed.
Now is the time for remaining awake, in the light, and fighting for truth. We are spiritually surrounded by lethal corruption. Those who conquer, do so through valiant sacrifice for truth,
....not through patience alone.

"Perimeno" is Greek, for "Wait".
Yes, we do wait on YHWH (Psalm27:14).
But in what way? Is it while we say and do nothing?
Revelation tells us under what conditions we wait for God...

"When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should wait a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed." Rev.6:9-11

We do not wait to act in faithfulness; even though this will cost us our lives that we knew
(Mark.8:35; Matt.5:11,12; John16:2; 15:20).
We wait for our orphaned condition afterward, to be justified by God (John14:18; Rom.8:23after we take our stand for Truth; by giving everyone around us (including our own Congregation), a witness. Believing and obeying falsehood is wicked, and means calamity for those we know (Prov.14:12; 1John5:20; John17:3; 2Thess.2:10). It is our responsibility, to warn such ones (Eze.3:18; 2Tim.4:2), even if they do not listen (Eze.3:4,7,9,11,27) and even if it costs us our own life that we knew (Matt.10:34,35,36,37,38,39; Luke12:51,52; Rev.6:9).
Just as in the first century, fear of man may prevent you from taking a stand for the truth you know (John12:42; Prov.29:25; John7:13; 9:22; Matt.10:33). Is this what the faithful chose to do? No. Jesus told his faithful followers that they would be thrown outand why (Matt.10:32; John16:2; Rev.6:9; 20:4; 12:11; Mark8:35).
Our patience comes after our faithfulness (Matt.5:11; Heb.13:13,14).
Let us not confuse patient endurance while we wait for God,
with what God views, as cowardice.
(Matt.25:25; Rev.21:8; Eph.5:15,16,17; Luke12:35; 2Tim.4:2; James4:17; 1:2,3,4)

Jehovah has made plain in so many scriptures, that now is not the time for loyalty to those condemned. It is a time for warning, fleeing, opened door provided by the merciful compassion of the King of Eternity; who does not implement the cleansing fire of His wrath, until first He warns His prophets (Amos3:7; 2Pet.1:21).
Let him that has ears...listen!
(Luke21:21,22; 17:32; Isa.52:11; 2Cor.6:17; Jer.51:45; Rev.18:4)


Perimeno personally told me years ago, that he stays away from prophecy and the book of Revelation. He said that his service is to comfort the skinned sheep. This is very good, and “the gift of healing” is a legitimate part of Christ’s body (1Cor.12:4,5,7,9)
The problem now, is that he has gone into making statements and interpretations concerning prophecy and Revelation; things for which he has not been prepared. Not all the members of Christ’s body have been chosen to be prophets (1Cor.12:28,29).
If he does not see this distinction of the different parts of Christ’s body, and his place within it; he rebels against God’s will (1Cor.12:18; 11:29) and causes division among the parts, hindering their individual success (1Cor.12:25,27,28).
These things befall even the Chosen ones who have had enough insight to see the current “operation of error”.
At Daniel 11:33,34,35; we see that there is to be a further testing and weeding out even among these ones.  Leaving one’s own God assigned place within the Anointed Body of Christ, in order to hinder those who have been given the job you covet, would be a perilous activity during this time of inspection by the Master Christ.

This has also occurred with the GB. You see, “abilities to direct”/Administrator/Guidance, is a legitimate part of Christ’s body also (1Cor.12:28). Yet, the GB has also seized the job of prophet and teacher. And as the identity of drunken Steward, they are beating those genuinely chosen to be so (Matt.24:48,49).
Perimeno must take warning from those who have the straw in their eye…not to imitate those whom he condemns (Matt.7:3).
Jesus warned us that the time of the end would be rife with those proving false; and that these would “mislead many” (Matt.24:4,5,11,24,25). The only way to survive this perilous time (Eph.5:16; Matt.24:21,22,13) is to walk by the direction of God’s Word and spirit (John4:24). While there is yet time, all anointed must keep testing out that they are in that true Faith, and prove what they and their own work, is (2Cor.13:5; Gal.6:4).

I will put Perimeno’s words in Yellow, and I will underline my own highlights.

“There are many examples in the Scriptures for us to consider of individuals, or even the entire nation, who were duped by “false prophets” presuming to speak in God’s name. (1 Cor. 10:11) Jehovah has always stressed the need for us to trust in Him alone, and thus avoid being misled. (Psalms 116:11; 146:3-5; Jer. 9:4-6; 17:5) Jesus warned that even the chosen ones should not consider themselves to be immune to being deceived. (Mark 13:22) He would have been familiar with the example of the prophet, who was chosen by Jehovah to deliver his message to apostate king Jeroboam, and how this prophet was deceived.”
If an anointed one was not chosen to be a prophet, and yet he prophesies; would that not fulfill the meaning of “false prophet”? Perimeno must be sober concerning his own activity, and resist becoming hypocritical.
He then brings up Gal.1:6-9 where it says, If a prophet should “preach something other than what we preached originally, let him be cursed”.
Both Perimeno and I know that the GB is guilty of this. They are justly due this “curse”. Yet Perimeno advises remaining in subjection and slavery to these same false prophets.

Perimeno quotes: “False teachers will also sneak in and speak harmful lies to you. But these teachers don't really belong to the Master who paid a great price for them, and they will quickly destroy themselves. Many people will follow their evil ways and cause others to tell lies about the true way.” Yet Perimeno advocates being in subjection to the GB...the same GB who now demands that any still in the Organization, commit idolatry with "God's spirit directed Organization" (the image of the Wild Beast Rev.13:11,12). It is impossible to attend a meeting today, and not condone death-dealing lies while sitting there, hiding what you really think and know in order to avoid expulsion…….
Note Psalm26:4,5:

“I have not sat with men of untruth; And with those who hide what they are I do not come in.  I have hated the congregation of evildoers,    And with the wicked ones, I do not sit.”

Perimeno then reasons that we should “serve the King of Babylon” as the people in Jeremiah’s time were advised by the true prophet.
He cautions you against following a false prophet, who would be telling you...
 “who are saying that no sword or famine will occur in this land, ‘By sword and by famine those prophets will come to their finish. And the very people to whom they are prophesying will become people cast out into the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and the sword, with no one to do the burying of them—them, their wives and their sons and their daughters. And I will pour out upon them their calamity.’ (Jer. 14:15,16; 27:12-17; 38:20-24).

The very verses Perimeno uses, point to the false prophets who say that no calamity will come upon God’s named Nation, and that there is no consequence to condoning the rule of it’s false prophetic leaders. Yet Jehovah himself says that those who stay in Babylon, will share in her sins (Rev.18:4,5). Perimeno has misapplied the warning of Jeremiah!

We might especially be vulnerable to deception if what Jehovah requires of us appears to be unusual, out of the ordinary, perhaps the opposite of what we would expect from him.
Jeremiah gave a plain warning…Jer.51:6-9:

“FLEE out of the midst of Babylon, and provide escape each one for his own soul. Do not be rendered inanimate through her error. For it is the time of vengeance belonging to Jehovah. There is treatment that he is paying back to her. 7 Babylon has been a golden cup in the hand of Jehovah, she making all the earth drunk. From her wine the nations have drunk. That is why the nations keep acting crazed.
8 Suddenly Babylon has fallen, so that she is broken. Howl over her, YOU people. Take balsam for her pain. Perhaps she may be healed.”9 “We would have healed Babylon, but she has not been healed. Leave her, YOU people, and let us go each one to his own land. For clear to the heavens her judgment has reached, and it has been lifted up to the cloudy skies.”

This, is a clear parallel to the scriptures which apply to the end, our time…Rev.18:4,5; Zech.2:2,7; Rev.11:1,2; Isa.48:20….not the scriptures that Perimeno gives.
He is taking it upon himself to become prophet, telling forth things he has not been given to understand, or declare.

God’s named Nation is NOT a secure place to be (Jer.25:29,30; 1Thess.5:3; Rev.6:16; Luke 23:30). Those who remain under the Harlot and her lying Beast, will not escape the penalty (Rev.18:4,5; 13:8). In fact, any anointed who avoid being killed/expelled, by the organization/beast, are not considered among the faithful (Rev.11:7; 6:11; 12:11; John16:2; Luke9:26; Matt.10:32,33; Rev.14:5; Eze.33:6).

“Do not pray in behalf of this people for any good. When they fast, I am not listening to their entreating cry; and when they offer up the whole burnt offering and the grain offering, I am taking no pleasure in them; for by the sword and by famine and by pestilence I am bringing them to their end.” (Jer. 14:11,12)
Of what use were their sacrifices when Jehovah no longer accepted them because of their rebellion.
How could a person back then determine who spoke the truth? If they were to listen to Jeremiah, that meant that they would have to leave their homes, their farms and all their possessions—even say good-bye to their friends and relatives who chose to stay behind—and in the face of ridicule travel to a distant and foreign land, and live in the midst of their enemy.”

Yes, Perimeno is correct… obey today also means leaving behind our Organizational Land…also including family and friends…to live once again in the “world”…the domain of the “king of Babylon”, Satan our enemy.
Yet when back in the world, we do not become a part of it (John17:15,16). Jesus will not leave us in this orphaned state (John14:18) after we leave the yoke of the Beast (2Cor.6:14).
We cannot stay within the Organizational Beast. It demands that any who remain, receive it’s mark on their forehead or hand (Rev.13:16,17). We are not able to preach truth openly, in it’s midst. To accept and submit to this restriction, is a direct violation of God’s command (2Tim4:2; Eph.4:25).
Even if we do not accept the lies on our forehead,
 if we let it direct our power (Prov.3:27 -right hand), we are a slave of the Beast.
This includes attending and silently condoning meetings which we know are full of lies. We know such lies are killing all those taking them in. How does Jehovah view our silence? (see Ezek.3:18; James4:17).

On the other hand, the false prophets who also spoke in God’s name promised them peace! The fact that the king, the priests, and all other men of any note rejected Jeremiah’s message would have added to the confusion.
Yes…Perimeno is promising peace to those who remain under the Harlot and Wild Beast. To do so means sharing in their sins and God's condemnation.

What can we learn from all this? It is not Jehovah who is ambiguous in what he requires of us. He is not the one causing all the confusion! Rather, like in the time of the Israelites, it is due to the many false prophets who “have visioned what is untrue and a lying divination, those who are saying, ‘The utterance of Jehovah is,’ when Jehovah himself has not sent them, and they have waited to have a word come true.” (Ezek. 13:6)
Has Jehovah sent Perimeno to prophesy these things???
 Note Jehovah’s words at Num.12:6.
Perimeno has himself told me that he has not received any direction from Jehovah through vision.

Consider also the situation in Jesus’ day. When the disciples in admiration pointed to the rebuilt temple, “how it was adorned with fine stones and dedicated things,” Jesus told them: “As for these things that you are beholding, the days will come in which not a stone upon a stone will be left here and not be thrown down.” (Luke 21:5,6) Shortly before this, Jesus had already foretold the destruction of the temple, including the city, when he said: “If you, even you, had discerned in this day the things having to do with peace—but now they have been hid from your eyes. Because the days will come upon you when your enemies will build around you a fortification with pointed stakes and will encircle you and distress you from every side, and they will dash you and your children within you to the ground, and they will not leave a stone upon a stone in you, because you did not discern the time of your being inspected.” (Luke 19:41-44)
In order to survive this second and greater destruction of the temple, Jesus warned his disciples—who might find themselves in Jerusalem and Judea—to flee the district and escape to the mountains. For that reason he gave them signs that would alert them to the imminent fulfillment and give them enough time to take action. (Luke 21:20-22)
As noted above, on both occasions Jehovah directed his people to physically remove themselves from the designated area. In both instances it involved the destruction of God’s physical temple, where Jehovah no longer accepted the worship that the people were rendering to him. Seeking refuge inside the temple would not have provided escape from God’s wrath at that time, as the people might have expected. But that is not the situation today!  

According to Jesus himself, this is exactly the situation today. (Matt.24:2,3,15,16).
Just as the “mountain-like” organizational system of religion was destroyed in 70CE (though previously God’s Covenanted people);
so too, the “mountain-like” Organizational religious system today will be destroyed, (Rev.8:8; Jer.51:25,26; Zech.4:7), which up until now has housed the true temple of God (1Cor3:16; 2Pet.3:7) (also in Covenant with God).
Although the Jews produced Christ, they perished due to unfaithfulness and for killing him…along with all those who did not flee when they saw the warning signs.
The WT has similarly been associated with the remnant of Christs in Covenant…but the unfaithful ones will also perish, for seeking to silence the faithful, and casting them out.
The warning signs have now surfaced, that these too are “surrounded by encampled armies”,
and it is time to flee apostate Jerusalem (Babylon the Great’s harlot daughter).
All those who passively sit in the Kingdom Halls while the faithful anointed are being expelled, shunned, and symbolically "killed"; are considered by Jehovah, sharers in the blood of Jesus' brothers Rev.17:6; 18:3,4; Matt.25:40).
Yet Perimeno declares that you are secure in that place.
He quotes 1Cor.3:17:
“If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him; for the temple of God is holy, which [temple] you people are.” Our many Kingdom Halls; Assembly Halls; Bethels; etc, are not temples for worship. They are simply places for meeting together.
And he adds, “Yes, woe to anyone who causes someone to lose his faith, and succeeds in stumbling him out of God’s temple, his household.”    

He just got done admitting that God’s Temple are the anointed, and NOT the organizational household of the WT’s buildings and Kingdom Halls!  Which is it!?!?

Perimeno applies the “temple” to the anointed when he wants you to condone as insignificant, remaining inside the Organization. 
But he calls the Organization the “temple”, when he wants you to stay inside. 
He says that those who leave it, are stumbled out of “God’s temple”.

God’s “temple” is not the Harlot, nor the Organizational Beast she directs.
The temple is the faithful anointed (1Cor.3:16; Eph.2:22; 1Pet.2:5). They belong to Christ no matter where they are (John4:21,24). But they no longer belong to Christ if they remain in subjection to the Beast.
For those not anointed, worshiping in that true faithful temple, means "accepting"/"welcoming" those anointed which are proving faithful (Matt.10:40,41,42), and getting out from under the “waters” that the "Harlot" sits upon (Rev.17:15). Are you still under the tent of her sins?

Next Perimeno states:
We can be certain that Jehovah will not destroy his holy temple, made up of his faithful worshipers. The "great crowd" that survives the great tribulation are “before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple; and the One seated on the throne will spread his tent over them.” (Rev. 7:9, 14,15; Heb. 9:13,14) Imagine, Jehovah spreads his tent over his loyal worshipers. Can you see yourself among them? Do you not agree that this is the best and safest place to be? That is how David expressed himself: "One thing I have asked from Jehovah—It is what I shall look for, That I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life, To behold the pleasantness of Jehovah And to look with appreciation upon his temple. For he will hide me in his covert in the day of calamity; He will conceal me in the secret place of his tent (Rev.21:2,3); High on a rock he will put me. And now my head will be high above my enemies all around me; And I will sacrifice at his tent sacrifices of joyful shouting; I will sing and make melody to Jehovah." (Psalms 27:4-6; 2 Cor. 6:18) Why would anyone want to deprive you of residing within God's tent? And why would you want to yield to such ones?

This paragraph is so full of error, I hardly know where to start. How can the tent of the Harlot be God's Temple; or those under it, "loyal worshipers"? We just read, that the temple of living stones, are the anointed priests (1Cor.3:16; 1Pet.2:5)  which are built upon the foundation of Christ (the cornerstone) and the apostles (1Pet.2:6; Eph.2:20,21,22; 4:11), ...the Holy City also has this same foundation (Rev.21:9,10,14) because it is the same temple of priests....which will, when completed, “come down out of heavenRev.21:2,3. The Temple of God is not constructed of un-anointed "Jehovah's Witnesses"! This is a very basic concept of the Truth. If it eludes Perimeno, how much Holy Spirit can he have?

That completed Temple/City, are the 144,000;
not the Organization,
nor those not anointed!
Those faithful who are stones of that spiritual Temple, have now been replaced by spiritual Gentile Elders within the Congregations, and are now being thrown out by them (2Chron.13:9; Eze.44:6,7,8,9; Rev.11:2; Matt.24:15,16).

The Great Crowd, according to the Bible, is the remnant of anointed who come through the Great Tribulation/Satan’s test of the end.
Those "rendering sacred service in God’s temple", are Jehovah’s chosen priesthood.
Doing so “day and night” is the constant feature (which the disgusting thing tramples down and removes).  They are seen in heaven (Rev.19:1).

This is not "all those who see themselves as “loyal worshipers”.
The “safest place to be” is not under the Harlot and Beast,
but in the meaning of Jehovah’s name (Prov.18:10), which is jealous (Exo.34:14), demanding exclusive devotion, free of the dominion of unfaithful men (Gal.1:10; 1Cor.7:23)

Residing in God’s tent”…does he even know what Sarah’s tent, is???   (see Isa.ch54)
....or that it "resides" with mankind, after the kingdom comes??? (Rev.21:3,4,5)
These blessings take place in the Kingdom to come 
under the blessings of the Kingdom Covenant/New Heavens…
not under a corrupt Organization soon to be destroyed!!! (2Pet.3:13,14,11; Heb.11:16; 13:13,14)

This is what happens when someone prophesies about things which God has not given him insight into. Perimeno is still teaching WT errors, because he lacks regard for the prophets of Christ’s body, which he readily admits he is not.
When Perimeno talks about "Babylon the Great" as fallen, before God's people must get out...he is correct. But he goes on to say that this fall will be evident and is the same moment as her destruction. Again, this shows a lack of insight.  Her "fall" and her destruction by the ten kings. are wide apart, according to the Bible.
You see, Babylon the Great's daughter, the "Great Harlot" in the time of the end, "falls" in Rev. 8:10,11; and if you notice Rev.9:1, it says there that unfaithful anointed Wormwood (the "star" which burns as a "great lamp") HAD FALLEN. Yet as can be seen, after she has fallen from her heavenly enrollment (Heb.12:23), she goes on to accept the key to Satan's abyss (Rev.9:1) and share that new authority and power with the locust/scorpions (Rev.9:3). These now have power to sting the unsealed men (Rev.9:4).
Clearly, this fallen one is NOT destroyed at the time of her fall from grace....Just as her "king" (Rev.9:11) is not destroyed at the time of his fall (Rev.12:13). It is AFTER her fall, and BEFORE her destruction, that God's people are commanded to "GET OUT"!
How could God's people "receive part of her plagues" with her, if she is gone? (Rev.18:4,5,8--"her plagues will come"...after the warning is given to get out.). How will her "waters" "dry up" if all the people stay under her? (Rev.17:1,15)
Again, Jer.51:6 reads:
 “FLEE out of the midst of Babylon, and provide escape each one for his own soul. Do not be rendered inanimate through her error. For it is the time of vengeance belonging to Jehovah. There is treatment that he is paying back to her."

Perimeno's preaches inactivity, or being "inanimate" in the name of patience, based upon ignorant darkness. To obey his direction, is deadly. Exactly what benefit, or display of loyalty, does Perimeno believe is shown Jehovah, by remaining inside the apostasy? What is the supposed reasoning why Jehovah is requiring this?
 God's "household" is not the Organization of those who have not received the circumcision of the heart. The true Congregation, is that of the firstborn, who have been enrolled in the heavens (Heb.12:22,23; Rom.2:29).
(See Eph.2:6,19,20,21,22) (Ephesian's context is speaking of the Gentiles, who were then accepted into the anointed. Col.3:11,12; Gal.3:26,28,29 --"Abraham's seed" "heirs" "sons of God" "chosen ones")

Perimeno continues:
Loyalty to Jehovah often brings persecution and ostracism. Not everyone is disposed to put up with that! Rather than suffer, some will depart
The "persecution" and "ostracism" that befalls those who are loyal to Jehovah, is not due to one "departing" or not being "disposed to putting up with" marinating in lies.
The ostracism occurs involuntarily when disfellowshipped, as soon as one's worship is detected as not being for the Organization. One can not be in subjection to Truth, and to their lies. If you sit in the meetings silently while these lies are being taught, you are in subjection to them (Psalm26:4).

How unjust and heartless of Perimeno to accuse the faithful of deserting Jehovah, because they are identified, persecuted and expelled (John16:2,3,4; Luke21:17,19; Rev.11:3,7)! He teaches that integrity is established through condoning silently the sins of those in power, while she "kills" the faithful all around them.
This is exactly why God "holds the Nations in derision" and executes the "crowds" in "the low plain of the decision" in His Great Day (all of Psalm2; Joel3:14; Rev.16:14).
For it is not the GB that is killed in the Winepress of God's anger. It is all the Nations who are drunk and senseless...still submissive to the Harlot and marked on their forehead and hand by her Beast (Rev.18:3; Jer.51:7; Hab.2:13,15,18; Rev.14:9,10,11). These become senselessly drunk in their tolerance of wickedness, as if Jehovah wants them to remain a party to it all (Rev.17:2). The Organization is an idol/image. Subjection to it is not the will of Almighty God. It is NOT God's Temple of "Spirit and Truth" by which standard the true worshipers MUST worship (John4:24). The faithful anointed are that Temple (1Cor.3:16). THEY are the hills/mountains you must flee to
(Matt.24:16; Jer.4:6; 51:50; Eze.38:8; Psalm3:4; Joel3:18; Eze.36:8), when you leave the Great City (Matt.22:9) If you remain in the Organization in order to keep obedience to it's expectations, you are marked on your hand. Do not believe that Jehovah expects you to stay among the condemned! This is a lie!

See Luke 21: 20 “Furthermore, when YOU see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her has drawn near. (It is not already done) 21 Then let those in Ju·de´a begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw, and let those in the country places not enter into her; 22 because these are days for meting out justice, that all the things written may be fulfilled. 
Clearly, the time to "withdraw" is before apostate Jerusalem's destruction....just as it was in the first Century. Those who waited, died.
Perimeno says that God will remove all the wicked from His Kingdom (Matt.13:41). But he equates this with removing the wicked from the Organization. THE ORGANIZATION IS NOT THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS! It is Satan's counterfeit!

God is allowing this operation of error (2Thess.2:9,10,11,12), to see who goes along with it, and who separates themselves (Matt.25:32; 24:40). To be saved, you must accept the Truth...the truth that this lawlessness is condemned by God along with all those who condone it. God's "household" is not the wicked, but the faithful who ARE BEING persecuted and expelled (John16:2; Luke9:26). That Temple "outside the camp" is the one to cling to (Heb.13:13; Matt.24:28). Remaining in the true "household" is not the same as remaining in the wicked organization which has left the God of Truth. Jesus said : "LOOK! Your house is abandoned to you!" (Matt.23:38,39) He then left off all meetings in the synagogue, or association with these unfaithful leaders.
He said "from henceforth you will see me no more." Do you think Jehovah's spirit is remaining in this Organizational house today, when their works are just as wicked?!? Do you imagine his spirit is with those in loyal subjection to it?

Perimeno says that you can stay inside the Organization without submitting to the Man of Lawlessness. Really? Then he is blind. The Bible contradicts him...
"... so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast."
There are only two choices:
Worship the Beast in some way, ...or get killed.
To stay inside means to obey all it's unscriptural requirements. Any who work to conform to scriptural truth are identified and expelled. If you are in subjection to men/elders who are in subjection to the Harlot, you are under the Covenant with Death/Babylon the Great, along with all those above you.
To be under the hope of the New Covenant, you must be under Christ the Head. He is the vine, the anointed are the branches, and you are the fruitage. There is no Harlot or Beast between the True vine and you. Do not be mislead into thinking there is. Nothing unclean is a part of what is holy. If you are under the Harlot and her Organization, you have left the Christ and his faithful slaves.
Perimeno is in great spiritual danger (Matt.23:13) for directing the sheep into death.
( )

The scriptures he cites when he says to "stay put, sit tight", do not say what he applies to them. God is not going to deliver those under the Harlot.

He warns that some professed anointed claim special insight and in so doing, supercedes the scriptures. It is true that a few do. But he insinuates that any who do, are false. Any who "supercede" the scriptures are false, including him.
Jehovah has promised that He would send those with special insight (Rev.11:3; Dan.11:33; 12:3), to assist the sheep through the greatest spiritual tribulation of all rife with "false Christ's", that even some anointed could be deceived. (Matt.24:24,25). The genuine are recognized by their fruit ( ).

Then Perimeno states his criticism of other anointed, as follows...
" They believe that due to their anointing, God has given them special insight, and others cannot understand the Scriptures apart from them."

Only they are in the new covenant.
   » Jesus is the mediator only of them.
   » They are the only ones worthy to be partakers at Christ's Memorial.
   » Only they make up God’s household, his temple; where they feed each other.
   » Jehovah has declared only them “righteous for life;” whereas the rest of God’s faithful servants are declared righteous only as “friends” of God, and must wait until the end of the thousand years to attain sonship. Yes, they boast that only they have at present the special relationship with God as sons and daughters. 

Although Perimeno misleads by complimentary speech (Rom.16:18; Gal.1:8,9), promoting the idea that all the sheep are equal in these things....what does the Bible say?
**Are anointed given special insight? (see 1John2:20,27; 1Pet.2:9)

**The only ones for who the emblems were given?
The "body" of Christ is made up of "called" ones (Eph.4:4,11,12), the temple of Christ's body which God will inhabit in spirit, when it becomes the Holy City, not made with hands (Heb.8:2; 1Cor.3:16; Mark14:58; John2:19,21Eph.2:19,20,21,22) Can you see from the preceding scriptures that the body of Christ are the temple? Jesus did not mean he would raise up his physical body in three days...but that he would raise up the spiritual one by means of his ransom. That "temple" is his "body" of anointed (John2:19,211Cor.12:27; 3:16; 12:12,14). As a husband is one flesh with his wife, the anointed congregation is one spirit with Christ (Eph.5:23; 1Cor.6:17; 12:12,13; 10:17) That wife is Christ's Bride, from Heaven (Rev.21:2) This temple is not physical, but is made of "living stones" (1Pet.2:5 shows that these are the "holy priesthood"). These "Priests" are only anointed ones (Rev.1:6; 20:6).
In speaking of the anointed, Rev.5:9,10 makes plain, whose sins are paid for first, by Christ's blood:

 "And they sang a new song:
'You are worthy to take the scroll
    and to open its seals,
because you were slain,
    and with your blood you purchased men for God
    from every tribe and language and people and nation.
You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,
    and they will reign on the earth.'"

We are told at 1Cor.11:29, that if we do not discern this "body" of Christ (including the fact that it is the anointed temple), we are judged. The symbols of Christ's body, are for Christ's body. They have been baptized by holy spirit, into that body (Acts1:5; Gal.3:26,27,29). To have holy spirit poured upon you, is to be anointed and filled with it (2Cor.1:22). The emblems are a reminder of that belonging to Christ's body, sharers with his sufferings while in the flesh (Rom.8:17; Phil.3:10,11,14; Rom.6:5) as well as the one flesh with him upon their marriage (Rev.21:9; 19:7). (see )

**I can't even believe that he asserts that God's household, the temple are not of the anointed. How many scriptures are there that prove this? Blind Guide. Surely his lamp is growing dim (Matt.25:8). Moses was told that the physical temple should be built according to the heavenly reality which he saw on the holy mountain, Zion (Exo.25:40; Heb.8:2,5; Acts7:44,48,49; Rev.14:1). Jehovah will dwell in the Temple He makes for himself, a heavenly one. In the Kingdom, that dwelling of His, the "tent of God" will descend from heaven, to be with mankind (Rev.21:2,3).

**Who has been washed clean with Christ's blood, and declared righteous for life (Rev.1:5,6)?
Rev.5:9,10 reads
 9 And they sing a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, because you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought persons for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, 10 and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”
(See Rev.20:5,6; 6:11; 19:7,8; 7:14; 19:1 "in heaven")
Yes, the "great crowd" are the remnant of anointed that experienced the end time tribulation.
 ( )
As we see from these scriptures, only the Bride/holy ones, are granted a white robe for their righteous acts, which must include being "killed". Salvation for those never anointed, is outlined in the scriptures; but it is not the same as the anointed.
Perimeno adds,

"For that reason quite a few have written the Society to offer their insight on the Scriptures. If they foolishly provided their names and their congregations, instead of being invited to move to Bethel, such ones quickly found themselves disfellowshipped as apostate. "
Why does he then advocate subjection to a steward who "beats his fellow slaves"?
The Master's "household" are the anointed, not the Organization.
Jesus the Master has told the anointed that they "are the light of the world" and that they are not to bury that light under a basket. If those ones humbly submit that light to the steward/"bankers" and are beaten for it, they were only trying to be faithful within the wicked Steward's Organization. 

Being beaten and thrown out does not excuse us from continuing to obey the true Master, Christ; and shining our light even after being expelled. This is preferable to being found by Christ as unfaithful, because one "grew afraid" at men, and so hid what Christ gave him (Matt.25:25,26,27). That slave believed that his master was the steward...ascribing the steward's traits, to Christ (Matt.25:24,26). Perimeno obeys, not the Master, but the wicked steward (confusing the two). He remains silent in the organization, hiding what he is, and depriving all those inside what little truth he knows (Ps.26:4; Ezek.3:18,19; Luke9:26) because he is in the household of and in subjection to, the wicked slave...not the household of faithful under the Master Christ. Perimeno is correct. If he obeys the Bible, he will be disfellowshipped. This fulfills the requirement of those who get sealed (Rev.6:11; 11:7; 12:11; Rom.6:5). Avoiding it will not save Perimeno (Mark8:35; Hosea13:13).

I am personally appalled at what has become of Perimeno's ministry. He prefers the approval and adoration of those who feel elevated by his deceptions (John7:18). Any comfort he gives the sheep will end in distress, because it is founded on falsehood (Matt.7:26,27). Is not the truth of God's Word enough comfort for all sheep (2Cor.1:3,4)?
Certainly. But it can only be dispensed by those capable of perceiving it.

May Jehovah's undeserved kindness and spirit of truth, be with all those whose hearts do love it.


(P.S. I am not the "prophet" who Perimeno said, wrote to him.)


Many "Jehovah's Witnesses" have said to me, 
"Don't you think that we should just wait on Jehovah to straighten things out in the leadership of the Organization? Surely Jehovah will take care of things in His own due time."
Please consider my scriptural reply to this thought....
Because of the critical times in which we live, we must consult Jehovah's direction in this (Prov.3:5,6).
Certainly, we do not want to view the continuing existence of sin and false doctrines as Jehovah's fault, as if He wants it to continue until He feels inclined to correct it. Any apostasy that exists, is due to men, and not God. 
True, this futility and operation of error is being permitted by Jehovah (Rom.8:20; 2Thess.2:11), but not without purpose! 
Be certain that you see clearly what that purpose is!

2Thess.2:9,10,11,12 tells us, that Jehovah allows this test, so that those who do not really love Him and the truth, will be deceived and marked. The outcome? 2Thess.2:10,12; Rev.13:8 and 19:20,21 answer.
Does Jehovah really hold accountable, and condemn, those who are deceived into subjection, or even just the complacent condoning of an environment of corruption?
See Ezek.14:10; 1Tim.2:14; Psalm26:4 make the answer to that clear. (
So, if we continue to subject ourselves to a false prophet and continue to take in the spiritual food they provide; how does Jehovah view us? (1Cor.10:21,22; Rev.2:2,14,16,20,21,22,23).
"Waiting on Jehovah" is for the endurance of injustice, after you have actually been subjected to it for righteousness' sake (Rev.6:10; 1Pet.2:19; 5:9Matt.5:10,11,12Gal.5:1,7,8; Matt.10:32; Rom.8:17; 2Tim.2:12). 
The example of Christ was to speak out against religious corruption and poisonous spiritual food (Matt. ch.23). He knew that Truth was the only way to salvation (John14:6; 17:3,17). He was willing to die for to give this witness (John18:37; 8:40). So also, are his brothers and true followers (Luke9:23,24; Rev.6:11; 12:11; Matt.5:13,14,15,16). If we know what is right, and do not do it; it is a sin for us (James4:17; Gen.3:3). We know it is right, to warn those in spiritual peril (Ezek.3:18; 33:8). Sitting still in silence, is not truly, "waiting on Jehovah" if His patience is to blame for our drunken sleep.
We do not "wait on Jehovah" for Him to make us take action to do what is right (Deut.30:15,19; Luke13:24). Jehovah is not going to force the corrupt ones to change, so we should stop waiting for that. He is allowing a short time, to see what WE will choose; the corruption...or life. (Gal.6:4; Mark10:29,30; Rev.2:2)
We have free will, and must choose for ourselves to obey His warnings and guidance. "Waiting" will not accomplish this, nor save us. Decisive action was needed to save Noah and his family (Gen.6:22; Heb.12:25). It is the same today (Matt.24:37; 1Cor.10:11).

Many may be under the impression that we have enough time before the end; and that there is time for the Organization to be cleansed and repaired. The reality is, that no longer will imperfect men running an imperfect organization, rule in righteousness during the remainder of Satan's system. 
The very next kings will be Jehovah, Christ, and his glorified brothers (2Pet.3:5,6,7,11,13; Rev.12:10; 6:10,11; 14:1). These have no need of a man-made Temple, buildings, or Organization (John4:21,23,24; Matt.24:2; Isa.26:5; Job5:11; Eze.21:25,26,27; Luke14:11). God himself is constructing his own, perfected "organization"; and the last of the living stones are taking their place in the completed Tabernacle of God (1Cor.15:50; 1Pet.2:5,9; 1Cor.3:16; Eph.2:20,21,22; Heb.11:10; Acts7:48) This everlasting and glorious "organization" comes down out of heaven from God (Rev.21:2,3,4,5; 22:3,4; Dan.2:44); not up from the ashes of corruption (Job14:4).

Jehovah has made plain in so many scriptures, that now is not the time for loyalty to those condemned. It is a time for warning, fleeing, opened door provided by the merciful compassion of the King of Eternity; who does not implement the cleansing fire of His wrath, until first He warns His prophets (Amos3:7; 2Pet.1:21). 
Let him that has ears...listen!
(Luke21:21,22; 17:32; Isa.52:11; 2Cor.6:17; Jer.51:45; Rev.18:4)

"Perimeno" has written concerning the book of Revelation, that "some prophecies are important to understand,
and some are not".
What does the Bible say?
The apostle John was told, "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, because the time is near." (Rev.22:10).
We are told why the scroll of Revelation needs to be understood...
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you from being priest for Me;
Because you have forgotten the law of your God,
I also will forget your children."  Hosea 4:6

Any priest that rejects his job of gaining knowledge,
and shining that lamp of understanding for others (Mal.2:7; Matt.5:14; 1Pet.2:9; Matt.10:20),
will be rejected from future Kingdom service (Luke16:10; 8:18).

Are some of the prophecies in Revelation, not important to understand?
Jesus begins that scroll....
"The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place.... Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near."   Rev.1:1,3
"Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book." Rev.22:7
"I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book:.....if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book."   Rev.22:18,19

Just because Perimeno has not been graced with full understanding of Revelation, should he take the liberty to diminish the importance of Christ's words, to those for whom Perimeno preaches?
Should anyone of us dare to weigh the importance of God's Words, against our own comprehension?
Only a fool publicly depreciates divine revelation, before he even knows what it means (Prov.18:13)

The very word "Revelation" means to "uncover" that which was formerly shrouded.
Jesus was slaughtered so that he could learn these secrets from his Father,
and pass them on to us (Rev.5:1-10; John7:16; 8:26,47; 17:7,6,8; Rev.1:1).
I personally consider these treasures, worth digging for (Matt.13:44; Prov.2:4,5; Matt.13:45,46).
Christ promised his sons, that if we beg and remain awake, we will receive (Luke11:9,13; Rev.3:20).

John was commanded to "uncover" this scroll to the 7 congregations (Rev.1:11). The final "two witnesses" are also commanded (Rev.11:3; 6:9,11; 12:11,17; 19:10; 20:4).
We are told that our future depends upon obeying Revelation (Rev.22:7). If Perimeno wants to discount what he himself does not understand; rather than beg God for understanding and humbly consider those of the body who may have been given that insight (1Cor.12:29; Num.12:6; 1Cor.12:21);
then he is free to do so...
But he should not try to shut the door of understanding to others,
by dismissing the need to understand,
just because he deems what is hidden from him, as nonessential to all.
(Matt.5:20; 23:13)

"Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need" (hunger for understanding),
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven."    Matt.5:3


Sister Pearl,
I am in agreement with you on this - We all need to continually read and meditate on the word of God and pay attention to the details as this helps to adjust our thinking so that we can speak accurate words of truth. If we don't put the words in our minds and hearts how can the holy spirit remind us at the proper times.

John JonesJanuary 31, 2013 at 10:37 AM
Dear Sister,

Does not one who makes such a statement realize that they are suggesting that Jehovah makes useless, unnecessary utterings?
May Godly fear recall such one to his/her senses. We are in no position to "cherry pick" among the prophecies or to be determining their value!

Pearl DoxseyFebruary 1, 2013 at 7:04 AM
I seem to recall that his reasoning is that after all things are fulfilled, Jehovah will be able to point to those prophecies which we did not understand, and in essence say, "See? Didn't I know what would happen ahead of time?". I personally don't believe that Jehovah speaks only to brandish His perceptive superiority over us, but that His purpose is to establish Truth and salvation. He views daily the corruption of His beloved creation. The flavor of scripture tells us that He is more concerned with correcting it's devastated condition than his own pride. 
While Jehovah surely deserves all glory and honor; He is humble and merciful. I am deeply concerned about the thousands who take in the teachings of Perimeno. His rationalizations are convincing, but are not sourced in scripture. It causes me anguish when I take in all the error confronting the sheep. Even those who escape the Watchtower have awaiting them outside... more spiritual nets, snares and poison. It is a pity that the individual anointed still remain in confusion (Babylon) and the isolation that results from each having a proud sense of doctrinal superiority. 
We all have some truth to various degrees. We all have limitations. The order of the Body of Christ is described plainly in scripture. The directive to come together is plain. The promise of Holy Spirit is given for those who obey both. 
Until the brave and humble obey Christ's clear request, the anointed will continue to be guilty of misleading the sheep to greater or lesser degrees, in spite of their sincere intentions.
It will take great humility and love for each anointed one to "become foolish", by allowing only scripture and spirit to readjust their perceptions. But by each of us showing such subjection, while we iron out error together; we will please our Master, finish our training, and welcome our King.
There is much work to do...
not only among those outside the camp, but the witness which yet needs to be given to all "Israel" still captive.
Those anointed who remain proud and stubborn, will not remain standing before Christ's inspection,
despite any good work they think they have accomplished.
Thank you both for your comments.

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  1. Greetings Pearl !

    Thank you for "straightly" facing the facts!

    Now, the further steps the next time ...

    ..12. for the perfecting of the saints, unto the work of ministering, unto the building up of the body of Christ:
    ...>> till we all attain unto the unity of the faith, ....
    Ephesians 4:11-15.

    Now, it will be very honestly from Perimeno's part to not delete/remove his post but to provide a link (from it) to your (this) blog-answer .

    This would be very useful for readers (sheep) to discern the truth and even to make their thinking abilities sharper !

    Let Your Name, Jehovah, be made holly !


  2. Humility is one of the tests to come upon ALL anointed. I am not looking forward to what mine will be in this.
    What do we have, that we did not receive?

  3. Rus said that Perimeo said he was anointed, he did not it was the poster that said this.

    And I find that you Pearl are the one attacking another anointed brother. What Perimeno said was not prophecy he merely quoted scriptures.

    I find him to be a humble man, and never puts himself over Gods sheep, he knows he is here for Gods sheep not the other way around.

    You also mentioned that he is under the GB influence by remaining in the congregation. Was Christ under the directions and influence of the Pharasees while still going to the temple. Was the apostle Paul under the direction of the superfine apostles, did he advocate leaving the congregation because of the wickedness by some of those anointed, NO. We wait on Jehovah, anything else is pushing ahead.

    What would you have the sheep leave and go where, where do they congregate? where do they encourage one another, Jehovah looks after his sheep even when they are surrounded by wicked ones within, even if some of the shepherds have become apostate. Jehovah's holy spirit is for all his people, individually those faithful among his sheep are given his holy spirit it endure. Love is the key, love of God and love of our brothers, Jesus gave us the example to follow.

    When Jesus adressed the seven congregations in Rev; did he say for any of the faithful b/s to leave, no he said for those who were doing wrong to repent. Jehovah in is loving kindness is waiting for those ones in his temple to repent, and I agree with Perimeno that it has another reason, to show those who are faithful and waiting on Jehovah for his time to judge his house, those that worship the GB and its WTO will be judged, and will be a distinction between those that love and worship Jehovah and those that love and worship the organization.

    Where are Gods sheep today then? do we not go to the meetings to encourage one another, to show brotherly love?

    Jesus brought his lost sheep back to the pen, he did not say go and find another.


  4. Dear Panda,
    I left a reply for you on the main page ( )...
    the last post of Aug.30th. There are also comments there by others after that post.
